Rabbit in Chinese culture

The rabbit is the fourth animal sign in the Chinese zodiac. According to Taoist philosophy, the world is composed of two forces, yin and yang. The sign of the rabbit is associated with yin.
The rabbit is considered the luckiest of all twelve animals. In China, the rabbit is a common symbol of luck and hope. As the rabbit is also a delicate animal whose acute senses are trained to recognise danger nearby, it has symbolised alertness and vigilance, too, since ancient times in China.
The rabbit also symbolises the Moon. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the Moon goddess Chang’e keeps a pet jade rabbit (玉兔). The legend states that, one year, ten suns rose above China, scorching crops and threatening to kill the people. Chang’e’s partner Hou Yi shot down nine suns and was rewarded an elixir of immortality by the Queen of Heaven. However, Hou Yi did not want to drink the elixir and leave his partner alone on Earth. So he gave the elixir to Chang’e to keep. Hou Yi’s devious apprentice Peng Meng tried to steal the elixir, forcing Chang’e to drink it in order to prevent it from falling into Peng Meng’s hands. Chang’e became immortal and ascended to the Moon with her jade rabbit. Chang’e chose the Moon because she did not want to leave her husband alone on Earth, and the Moon was closest to the Earth. Chang’e and the jade rabbit are often depicted in works of art made for the Mid-Autumn Festival, with people carrying rabbit lanterns during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Rabbit people
Rabbit people are characterised as calm and modest. They do not make hasty decisions or panic in the face of distressing situations. Rabbit people will work tenaciously to achieve their long-term dreams and pay close attention to detail. The rabbit is not a determined leader character like last year’s zodiac, the tiger, but rabbits are gentle, approachable and caring, which make them reliable friends. One should never underestimate the power of the rabbit, since even a calm and gentle rabbit may act with speed and agility if required.
Rabbits are sensitive and do not like stressful situations, such as arguments, so they avoid conflicts and favour peace and quiet. Their timid character also shows itself as a dislike of changes that is typical of rabbit people – especially if the changes are big or happen too fast. Sometimes the timid nature and conflict avoidance of rabbits can make them too reserved, which may impact their relationships. On the other hand, rabbits are good listeners and well-suited for team work.
In the Chinese Zodiac, the compatibility of different animal signs is also relevant. The best romantic partner for a rabbit is a person who is compassionate and relaxed by nature. Therefore, people born in the year of the dog, goat or pig may be good partners for a rabbit. Rabbits enjoy staying at home and expect their romantic life to be stable, simple and peaceful, and instead of adventures, rabbits often want a safe and warm partner and family life.
The year of the rabbit
In Chinese astrology, rabbit people are moderate, which will help people keep their feet on the ground and exert careful consideration in the face of important decisions this coming year. Even the most temperamental people will achieve successes during the year of the rabbit thanks to the influence of the rabbit. The fruits of labour sown during the more dynamic and temperamental year of the tiger will yield results after a moderate wait during the peaceful year of the rabbit. The calm nature of the rabbit will bring both internal and external peace in the year of the rabbit. On the other hand, risk taking may also be worthwhile during the year of the rabbit as the rabbit is a symbol of luck.The year of the rabbit is a year of hope, luck, success and peace. So please enjoy the coming year of peace and good fortune to the fullest!